25th. Annual International UFO Congress,
1.00 - 3.45 pm., February 20th. 2016.
We hope this was a good presentation, so that something possitive may come from all this after all.
25th. Annual International UFO Congress,
1.00 - 3.45 pm., February 20th. 2016.
We hope this was a good presentation, so that something possitive may come from all this after all.
A year has passed since we [#Artists for #Disclosure] withdrew our support for Stephen Bassett/PRG, due to ethical breaches, that could not be tolerated according to our terms of agreement. In light of recent events [Click here for "Smut Ufology" video/blog], I thought I would take a closer look, at what happened the past year, and provide some hardcore stats, to back up my views.
With the unique clicks &
interactions, a total of 194 – 1039 signatures on Disclosure Petition VII - CongressionalHearing attributed to the
#Artists for #Disclosure campaign is a realistic, educated approximantion, based on the available stats/documentation, which means
that approx 1 - 8% of all the Petition VII signatures could come from
our campaign. And with the 100's infamous "E.T from N.Y"
this percentage is somewhat higher.
"E.T. from NY" short video documentation from
Disclosure Petition VII.
Disclosure Petition VII.
Please note, that I have disregarded
stats from Facebook, since our Disclosure page was closed, because it
was flagged for spam/abuse by 60+% of the group/page admins, who
asked me to share the possitive reply from Beto O'Rourkes staff,
regarding review of the CHD DVD's. Just another day in "Dirty Disclosure" & "Smut Ufology".....
This was achived using free
promotion/coupon dontaions/christmas competition assets, worth
approximately 100$!
One can only speculate as to why, the
campaign was met with such resistance from Steven Basett/PRG and
especially The Disclosure Lobby [Elizabeth Trutwin] on Facebook, and
why Stephen Bassett would sabotage his own campaign, by sharing
broken links in newsmails & on Facebook, and claiming a [White
House?] hack attack was responsible.
[Link to PRG newsmail dated January 14, 2015, deleted from the official PRG news archive]
[Link to PRG newsmail dated January 14, 2015, deleted from the official PRG news archive]
The alligations that the #Artists for
#Disclosure campaign was somehow "hoaxed" or some form of disinfo
campaign, is clearly not feaseble, considering the documented effects
of our campaign.
The goal of the CHI campaign, was to
arrange for meetings with representatives, commities etc., in 2015,
and since that didn't happen, one must consider the initiative as a
According to PRG's newsmail, meetings &
plans is ongoing from March 8th., 2015 until December
21st. None of these meetings have been documented, no
mentions of what commitee, staff or representatives, and no dates for
these supposed meetings. Still, it states in the December 21st.
Newsmail, that the cost of running this campaing is 4000$ monthly. A
lot of $ for undocumeted meetings, with unkonwn commitees & politicians.
[Click here for full scr. prt. documentation & links to PRG archive]
[Click here for full scr. prt. documentation & links to PRG archive]
Eventhough the stated goal for 2016 in
the December 21st. 2015 newsmail are more meetings, in the
4 newsmails so far from 2016, January 4, 13, 25 & 27th.,
there are no longer anything mentioned about the staff & comittee meetings, or when the succesful meetings in 2015 took place.
#Artists for #Disclosure was a
considerable success, but only brought a brigade of "real
disclosure" trolls & "smut ufologists" responses,
that have plagued my person & profiles on most social media ever since. I get regular messages & comments, calling me everything
from CIA, NSA, Reptillian, liar, fraud, idiot, or like after a live
hangout with many russian guests, a Putin spy trying to make
americans docile, [using the dark side of the force?] so they
wouldn't be able to resist the coming russian invasion. Usually I just laugh
at these batshit crazy alligation, and block/delete the meassages, it
gets on your nerves with so much hostility and negativity.
The latest example, however, was
unfounded criminal alligations [child rapist] against my person,
first in a private message, I was initially allowed to publish, but as usual
that was retracted when I did. Afterwards, the same alligations was
repeated in a very threatening phone call by same person, and
publicly in comments on Facebook, Blogger, YouTube & related hate "smear" photos.
Including what can only be seen as homophobic insult, to your/our american Ambassedor, Rufus Gifford, who happens to be openly and proud gay, and got married to his partner, here in Denmark in November 2015.
This entire ignorant stampede of crazy alligations, has been the inpiration for
my latest song/video for "DisclosureGate – The Musical"
called "Smut Ufology"
All documentation has been blacked out/garbled for anonymity - a courtesy not needed considering the crimes commited according to §266 (or§267) in danish criminal law, punishable by fine or up to 2 years imprisonment. Since there are 1000's of Steve Bassetts & the likes of the anonymous smut ufologist, but only one family in the world with our last name, every batshit crazy criminal alligations, that are tossed my way in public, endangers my family from weird ass tinfoil helmet types & possibly crazy vigilanties.
All documentation has been blacked out/garbled for anonymity - a courtesy not needed considering the crimes commited according to §266 (or§267) in danish criminal law, punishable by fine or up to 2 years imprisonment. Since there are 1000's of Steve Bassetts & the likes of the anonymous smut ufologist, but only one family in the world with our last name, every batshit crazy criminal alligations, that are tossed my way in public, endangers my family from weird ass tinfoil helmet types & possibly crazy vigilanties.
So, I have decided, that after more than 2½ years working actively to help disclosure in the U.S, and getting so much crap, crazy alligations & massive trolling on all social media, I no longer have any reason to believe, that disclosure will come from selfproclaimed "ufologists" & "real disclosure" activists, who only seem to be in the game for money, drama and attention, who use any means to cover-up, the total lack of any documentation of political/press related success, but plenty of failed projects and amatuerish mismanegement of funds.
Dozens of "Smut Ufology" hustlers seems full of crap, and turns extrmely hostile and profane in a heartbeat, especially if what you do or say, could actually draw attention away from their donate buttons, and to the total lack of substance behind their wild claims & alligations.
Dozens of "Smut Ufology" hustlers seems full of crap, and turns extrmely hostile and profane in a heartbeat, especially if what you do or say, could actually draw attention away from their donate buttons, and to the total lack of substance behind their wild claims & alligations.
I will continue the contact work, but in our view, american disclosure is a lost cause, a total waste of time & money. For the same reasons, we're getting rid of "disclosure" in our official group name.
More songs & videos for "DisclosureGate - The Musical" already in the making will be finished, and that will be the final statement, when it is done in time.
Kind regards
Thomas F. Kortholm - Dansk ETIKontakt Gruppe
Total Blog VIEWS: 10.622 [DisclosureGate - The Musical/CHD blog archive 7060 views.]
ETIKontakt youtube: 6.331 afspilninger
Etikontakt Google+: 49.837 page views
"Blog"Google+ (Etikontak):
24.612 page views
Etikontakt (Thomas Google+): 7.147 page
Kortholm Management Twitter since
september 2014: 371.321 impressions
CHI related oktober 2014 – feb 2015:
114.055 impressions
Thomas Kortholm Twitter since sept.
2014: 197.397 impressions
CHI related oct 14 – feb 15: 99.975
TWITTER IMPRESSION in all: 568.718
CHI impressions: 214.030 = ca. 37%
ReverbNation stats & imprints:
Kortholm artist:
Fans: 3.699
Visits: 15.571
Impressions (Widget&Banner): 23.160
Fans: 3.201
Visits: 3.004
Impressions (Widget&Banner): 5.152
Kortholm Promotion RN label:
Fans: 4.943
Visits: 24.086
Impressions (Widget&Banner):
Visits in all: 42.661
Imprints in all: 233.786
CHI RELATED #Artists for #Disclosure
Andi Starr ads: 15,417 fans viewed your
ads on 1,314 sites.
Artists for Disclosure profile ads:
Naughty or Nice: 7,949 fans viewed your
ads on 1,359 sites.
Sign Petition VII: 25,327 fans viewed
your ads on 2,741 sites.
StarGazer ads: 7,850 fans viewed your
ads on 1,374 sites.
Thomas F. Kortholm: 24,437 fans viewed
your ads on 2,204 sites.
Impressions in total (minus cliscks
plays etc): 120.980 impressions
Total CHI impressions & related calculations:
Youtube CHI related plays incl. Jon
Kelly interview: 4486 plays
Google+ views: 16318 (37% based on twitter estimate)
10% of RN impressions (low estimate): 28.000
Twitter: 214.030
CHI ads: 120.890
TOTAL: 344.264 CHI Campaign related
imprints/plays/views etc. NOT INCLUDING 1000's of Facebook posts/messages.
Breakdown/number crunching:
1039 unique clicks to CHI/Petition:
589 unique clicks on ads leading
dirctly to CHI/Petition.
450 newsmails clicked leading dirctly
to CHI/Petition.
4486 Youtube plays on "How to make follow trains, sign petition etc." video guides incl. right links. Example below.
895 plays #Artists for #Disclosure interview.
According to PRG & Steve Bassetts website:
Since November 5 [2014], over 1,300,000 [CHI Status] or 2.500.000 [PRG Newsmail, December 15, 2015] Tweets, Faxes, Facebook and email messages etc. have been sent to congressional offices announcing the Congressional Hearing Initiative (CHI) and the DVD set deliveries. How PRG & Steve Bassett arrives at these numbers remains to be seen.
Disclosure Petition VII - CongressionalHearing ended its run on the White House website on February 5th., 2015, with
13,897 signatures. Meaning a maximum of approx. 1% signatures pr. Tweet etc.[According to the site on Feb 2nd., 2016 the number is 13.909]
#Artists for #Disclosure Imprints vs. PRG/CHI total:
[Please note our effort is/should be part of PRG's total number, just the tweets alone, 24000x0.37 = 8880 or 0.6% of 1.300.000 PRG's total, not including the many tweets via the other #Artists for #Disclosure profiles on ReverbNation.]
344.264: = 26/14%
13.897 x 0.26/0.14 = 3680/1946 signatures [10 - 33% of this is between 194 - 1089 signatures or approx. 1- 8% of total]
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